Survey FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Land Surveying

Read this FAQ for helpful information about land surveys, then call Brewer Land Surveying at 912-856-2205 to receive a free estimate on your land survey.

How Much Will a Survey Cost?

Survey fees are based on the work scope, anticipated difficulty, and estimated time needed to complete the project. In order to provide an accurate fee, please provide a description of your needs, the property address, your name, phone number, and email address. We will research your property and provide you with the best price possible and schedule for completion.

What Can I Do to Lower My Flood Insurance Premium?

Many homeowners have seen their flood insurance rates increase drastically. A surveyor can prepare a FEMA Flood Elevation Certificate that will provide your insurance agent with the information needed to properly rate your home. The certificate may reveal minor modifications that may save you hundreds of dollars each year. Take a look at this brochure

What Type of Survey Will I Need to Build a Fence?

Since a fence is a relatively permanent structure, you will want to be sure of the location of your property lines before construction. The prudent course of action is to have a surveyor locate, verify and mark all existing property corners that delineate your property line. Any property corners that are missing can be replaced with permanent corner markers

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